Od rujna će se robe i usluge moći plaćati internetom na novi način.
Novi način plaćanja bit će omogućen na razini EU, a uređeno je novom regulativom Europske unije PSD2, tj. novim Zakonom o platnom prometu.
Glavni ciljevi PSD2:
- doprinijeti integriranijem i učinkovitijem europskom platnom tržištu,
- daljnji razvoj platnog tržišta za pružatelje usluga plaćanja i ulazak novih pružatelja usluga,
- plaćanja učiniti sigurnijima i osiguranijima,
- povećati zaštitu za potrošače i poduzetnike,
- potaknuti niže cijene platnih usluga.
PSD2 podržava inovacije i konkurenciju u plaćanjima u maloprodaji i povećava sigurnost platnih transakcija i zaštitu podataka potrošača.
PSD2 -Open banking
Directive (EU) 2015/2366 on payment services in the internal market
The main objectives of the PSD2:
- Contribute to a more integrated and efficient European payments market;
- Further level the playing field for payment service providers by including new players;
- Make payments safer and more secure;
- Enhance protection for consumers and businesses;
- Encourage lower prices for payments.
The PSD2 supports innovation and competition in retail payments and enhances the security of payment transactions and the protection of consumer data.
Third Party Providers (TPP) can access the Documentation and test API interface on: https://www.finapay.hr/psd2/portal/
You can now use our production APIs, based on the Berlin Group guidelines, for the delivery of your services to customers with online accounts.
Production API available on: https://psd2-api.slatinska-banka.hr
For further informationa about PSD2 or reclamation related to operation of API, please send an e-mail to: psd2-api@slatinska-banka.hr